Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Now I bid you farewell

My adventures in web design for the semester are coming to a close.  It was fun while it lasted, but now it's time to throw on a graduation robe and walk across the stage.  I hope this is not the end of my adventures forever, as I have learned many valuable skills by making my webpage.  It has helped me to understand how websites are made, how to organize files for the website, how to upload and effectively edit photos, and how to make links work on webpages.  I know that the way the world is turning is toward a more Internet-based society.  No matter where I end up or what I end up doing, I know that Internet will be a huge part of my life, and these skills will only help me to become a more skilled and responsible consumer.  I hope to also be able to teach my students good Internet etiquette and skills so that they, too, can more positively contribute to society.

Thank you for this opportunity and hope to see you cyberspace (Tara said to write this).