Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Really Really Ridiculously Bad Websites

Today we learned about the many composing essentials of Web Building.

You can view a copy of Professor Debren's composing essentials right here.

It is interesting to understand how websites are made- kind of like understanding the way anything works ( a car, your body, the male psyche); it really gives you insight into how to appreciate/ manipulate it from the user-side as well.  What I'm excited and looking forward to is being able to design websites so that they look good and mostly, so they serve a purpose.  My dream is to be able to create a blog/website that is aesthetically pleasing as well as functional so that I can put a variety of mediums on the site such as literature, photos, audio, etc. and also link to the many other great websites out there.

Here is to hoping my website never looks like any of these...
(Oh, and please excuse the language on the website.)

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